
Angel.com Delivers in a Crisis

Angel.com and WhiteVault, a Florida-based security company, have teamed up to help individuals communicate during a crisis.

WhiteVault has selected Angel.com to host its online managed service, EvacuTrack, which enables users to send messages, entered as either text or voice recording through an online account, to a pre-selected distribution list in the event of an emergency. The company selected Angel.com because it was able to "take Angel.com's complex speech IVR system that is used commercially by banks and other institutions, and created a simple way for the general public to leverage the technology for critical, instant messages that can be spoken rather than read," says Robert Barron, CEO of WhiteVault.

"When we began to design EvacuTrack, it was about giving a serious but simple and flexible solution to the general public. So we wanted to accomplish at least two things: one is to give people a personal vault to upload, store, and access personal documents remotely, and the other is to be able to communicate quickly with multiple family members in various types of emergency situations," Barron explains.

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