
City of Montreal Uses BCE Elix

MONTREAL - The city of Montreal and BCE Elix announced the launch of telephone applications that provide Montrealers with an enhanced 87-ACCES automated telephone service system. Bilingual voice applications implemented by BCE Elix will now enable citizens to call the 87-ACCES telephone line at any time and access information that was previously available only on the city of Montreal's Web site, thus providing access to municipal services ensuring service 24/7 to all its citizens.
Three interactive voice applications are now available, in French and English, for the city of Montreal:

  • "Info-Collectes," an interactive application that provides schedules for garbage and bulky object collection, can now be accessed merely by having the citizen say their postal code.
  • "Info-Remorquage" enables callers to locate their towed cars during snow-removal operations by saying their license plate number to the voice-enabled application.
  • "Points of Service" enables Montrealers to obtain their borough's points of service address, phone number and opening hours by saying the borough's name.

"The BCE Elix system will be complementary to the city of Montreal's existing contact centre," said Martin Lefebvre, head of Citizen Relations Management Division, city of Montreal. "Agents will still be available during office hours to accept 87-ACCES calls that require their help, but the BCE Elix applications will offer services 24/7 to our citizens, help us answer more calls, ease contact centre traffic, and allow us to be technological pioneers."

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