
Cognitive Code Launches SILVIA Intelligent Agent

Cognitive Code, a provider of conversational artificial intelligence systems, has launched SILVIA Secure conversationally intelligent applications that can reside natively on everything from mobile devices, televisions, and cars to toys and critical infrastructure.

Cognitive Code's technology offers security features that heavily encrypt and lock private data to connected devices. While the majority of voice interactions require the cloud, Cognitive Code's SILVIA technology is a platform for developing and deploying conversationally intelligent applications that can reside natively on mobile devices.

"Cognitive Code's SILVIA Platform was designed from the ground up to run securely and natively on mobile and embedded devices. While the rest of the industry will be scrambling for a long time to deal with the legislative and public fallout of these server-based security breaches, we have a secure and portable solution today, not two years from now. Those two years can be the difference between your company disrupting the market or your company being disrupted by hackers and litigation," said Leslie Spring, CEO and founder of Cognitive Code, in a statement.

Cognitive Code's artificial intelligence SILVIA technology is a cross-platform system for developing and deploying conversationally intelligent applications. It can be deployed in compact and secure environments and includes native unconnected operations on mobile devices and embedded systems. It offers interactions that understand queries without scripted and structured language dialogues. The technology is not dependent on data stationed on remote server farms or even an Internet connection. SILVIA's footprint on a device can be as small as 5 megabytes, meaning it can reside on virtually any IoT devices, including toys.

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