
Dealer Inspire Unveils New Voice Search Technology and Inventory Management System for Dealers

Dealer Inspire (DI) is a technology company that has changed the online car shopping experience through digital solutions that future-proof dealerships for changing consumer behaviors. At the 2018 National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA) Show Expo in Las Vegas from March 23-25, DI will launch two new digital solutions: Website Voice Search, which allows users to use only their voice to navigate search results on a dealer's website, and Metal, a next-generation vehicle inventory management tool.

The new Website Voice Search capability allows users to find what they are looking for without ever having to enter a single letter of text on their screen. A user verbally commands the computer using the wake word "show me" to navigate search results for everything from "new Toyota Corollas" to "all red SUVs with all-wheel drive." Not only are the search results incredibly accurate, but they appear lightning fast, making the online car shopping experience that much easier.

Metal is DI's new Inventory Management System (IMS) that enables automotive retailers to modernize their dealerships across multiple services and platforms. Designed mobile- and tablet-first, Metal allows car dealers to quickly and easily manipulate their vehicle inventory so the changes appear on their Dealer Inspire website in real time with API synchronization. From easy-to-implement pricing rules to the ability to upload hi-res inventory pictures, Metal offers a full suite of features that revolutionize inventory management.

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