
IVR Technology Group Announces iSurvey

IVR Technology Group (ITG), a provider of intelligent voice response services and solutions, has introduced iSurvey, a streamlined approach to automated survey response capture.

The system features a voice that guides the caller through a series of questions designed to capture information about a client's services or products.

“Because iSurvey is a virtual person and not a human, the message delivered is consistent and pleasant, plus the capture of responses is always non-biased, all of which is a constant challenge when using live resources to capture survey information," said ITG’s president, Mike Byrne. “Further, iSurvey is more secure and less prone to human error in terms of input and passing along accurate information.”

Always available online, iSurvey is capable of handling large and small survey surges, allowing the gathering of information without the concern of not having enough human labor to complete the calls. “Because of iSurvey's reduction in operating expenses, by as much as 60 percent, users can now access state-of-the-art technology that may have been cost prohibitive in the past," added John Crouthamel of ITG.  "ITG's service model is that of a hosted offering so clients do not have to purchase 'black boxes' or add additional staff to run and monitor these types of applications."

Using the latest in client/server technology, iSurvey can interface with host databases to append or add additional points of information, and tally and insert into robust reporting modules, whether on the client's premises or through a third-party application. iSurvey also provides up-to-the-minute statistics and options like immediate feedback to validate, as an example, a retail experience or interaction with a recent purchase or even a telephone transfer of the participant to customer service for immediate follow up.

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