
NCT Solution Enhances Formats for Speech Solutions

NCT released its Voice Recognition Enhancer technology in x86 library format for Pocket PCs, Smartphones, PC-based dictation systems and automotive voice dialing and command and control applications.

NCT released its ClearSpeech Voice Recognition Enhancer technology in fixed point C x86 library format for Windows, Linux and QNX operating systems.

To further aid customer integration, these x86 VRE libraries have been made compatible with the ETSI Aurora Distributed Speech Recognition (DSR) front end for mobile applications and have sampling of 8, 11 and 16kHz and a block size of 10ms. VRE has a mode of operation for human listening that can provide up to 18dB of noise reduction.

ClearSpeech is a suite of software algorithms that provide noise cancellation for human listeners, noise cancellation for voice recognition, echo cancellation and signal conditioning.

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