
NMS Communications Enhances AccessGate RAN Backhaul Optimization Family

FRAMINGHAM, Mass. — NMS Communications (NASDAQ: NMSS) broadened and enhanced its AccessGate family of radio access network (RAN) backhaul optimization platforms to bring bandwidth optimization solutions to the spectrum of remote cell sites, regional hubs, and mobile switching centers.

AccessGate solutions are available via two platform series: the existing AccessGate 1000 and the new AccessGate 2000.  The AccessGate 2000 series is available in a range of interface options from four to 16 ports.

Every member of the AccessGate family delivers vendor-independent, multi-service, multi-protocol aggregation and optimization solutions for the mobile radio access network. The individual members of both product lines yield exceptional RAN optimization performance, and all are compatible with either TDM- or IP-based RAN backhaul.  

"Backhaul optimization is a growing concern among operators around the globe.  The problem first emerged in regions of explosive subscriber growth, such as Africa and Southern Asia.  Now, the growth of data services such as mobile video is causing operators in the United States and Western Europe to take notice of their own backhaul constraints," said Phil Marshall, vice president, Enabling Technologies, Yankee Group.  "A solution like NMS's AccessGate can help operators the world over conserve costly bandwidth as they add subscribers, expand their service offerings or migrate to 3G."


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