
Paracon Adds Pronexus Computer Telephony and Speech Development Tools to Product Offering

OTTAWA and GREENVILLE, Canada - Pronexus Inc. and Paracon announced that they have reached a distribution agreement. Under the terms of the agreement, Paracon will distribute the full range of Pronexus products, including the VBSALTT and VBVoiceT telephony and speech software development tools.

Paracon can now provide its channel customers with a range of telephony and speech development tools that leverage the Microsoft .NET platform and Visual Studio .NET for developer productivity.

VBVoice is a scalable rapid application development (RAD) tool for telephony and speech. Pronexus resellers and customers have used VBVoice and its range of telephony controls to create speech-enabled interactive voice response systems (IVRs), emergency notification solutions, bill payment and call center applications, unified messaging applications, voice portals, and fax solutions.

Paracon will also distribute VBSALT, which combines its graphical call flow design interface for voice user interface (VUI) development.

VBVoice and VBSALT will be available to Paracon customers as of December 7, 2004.

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