
Parlance Announces the Availability of NameConnector Service Status Reports

Parlance, which provides a speech-activated interface for enterprise phone systems, announced the availability of up-to-date NameConnector Service status reports to all customers.

Reports are available 24 hours a day 7 days a week and are accessible over the Web using a standard Internet browser. Designated users within the enterprise are provided with a user-name and password to log into the secure site to view reports for all their NameConnector machines. Report data which is derived weekly via automatic data feeds from each NameConnector machine, provide detailed statistics including: usage rates and trends, capacity, performance and status. Parlance Customer Service Engineers analyze the reports and if required, make adjustments to improve enterprise caller connections.

Jack Reilly, Parlance's CEO, stated, "The new capabilities are a direct result of customer feedback. Because performance management is the key of our offering, Parlance Service Engineers continuously manage and monitor each system to ensure 7 / 24 availability and caller satisfaction. The data derived from the reports is analyzed to fine-tune each system to ensure top performance. Our customers realized they could benefit from immediate access to the information as well." The reports present an up-to-date, thorough summary of each NameConnector service including: call volume per day, week, month, call distribution breakdown by name and operator requests, average connection times and peak hour calls. Status reports, including pronunciations, and system builds provide an operational synopsis.

Steve Nickerson, Corporate Telecom Manager at PTC (formerly Parametric Technology), said, "NameConnector status reports are both convenient and functional. Immediate access to current system information is useful and we can easily incorporate the data into our PTC operational reports. The reports also give us the opportunity to emphasize NameConnector usage and performance at PTC, which is often otherwise taken for granted. Today, our NameConnector connects internal callers to their destination in less than 16 seconds - and connects over 16,000 callers per month."

Status reports are designed to provide customers with an easily accessible, straightforward interface to their NameConnector Service. Data is organized through user-friendly charts, tables and graphs. The reports can be easily formatted for inclusion in telecommunications operational, business and status reports and can be forwarded via e-mail.

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