
VBVoice 5.0 Brings Computer Telephony & VoIP to .NET Environment

OTTAWA, CANADA - Pronexus Inc., the provider of computer telephony software solutions, announced the release of VBVoice 5.0, the telephony development environment to leverage the power of Microsoft Visual Studio.Net. Combined with its support for Voice over IP (VoIP), telephony controls such as speech recognition and text-to-speech and a scalable architecture, VBVoice 5.0 provides developer productivity and flexibility. "Thousands of developers around the world have come to rely on VBVoice for their business critical computer telephony environments," said Gary T. Hannah, President and CEO of Pronexus. "VBVoice 5.0 sets a new bar: with its .NET integration, modular architecture and support for advanced telephony controls, it enables developers to rapidly deliver the complex voice applications that the marketplace demands - all without learning proprietary languages or APIs."
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