
Wolfram|Alpha Teams with Samsung

Wolfram|Alpha has partnered with Samsung to bring Wolfram|Alpha's computational knowledge to Samsung's new GALAXY S III and GALAXY Note smartphones.

Integration in Samsung's S Voice is another application of Wolfram|Alpha technology in a voice command app. By simply tapping the home button and speaking, users will be able to get answers to factual questions by drawing on the expert knowledge of Wolfram|Alpha. Users can ask questions such as "How high is Mount Everest?," "Who is Barack Obama?," and "What is the weather like today?" Wolfram|Alpha will instantly give the correct answer.

Samsung GALAXY Note users can also gain access to Wolfram|Alpha using the S Pen optimized S Note application available through the Premium Suite software upgrade. With the GALAXY Note's S Pen, users can get answers to an equation or perform a knowledge search simply by writing it out.

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