
Avaya Delivers New Outreach Solutions For Financial and Healthcare Industries

Avaya earlier this week launched new customer service solutions for the financial and healthcare industries that use outbound communications and self-service to help companies gain new efficiencies, improve cost-savings, and enhance customer experiences.

The solutions, Proactive Outreach for Financial Services and Proactive Outreach for Healthcare, can be used to deliver important customer alerts and notifications—such as outstanding balances or appointment reminders. They are being targeted first at the healthcare and financial industries because those verticals are typically early adopters of this technology.

Those verticals also deal with large volumes of incoming customer calls on a daily basis. But, according to Laura Bassett, Avaya’s contact center solutions manager, many of those calls can be taken out of the mix with the Proactive Outreach Solutions. “It’s all about a need to reduce expenses, provide the ability to differentiate customer interactions, target calls based on the needs of the customer, and eliminate inbound calls coming in from the customer,” she says. “It’s all about enhancing the customer experience.”

Caroline Co, senior manager of professional services at Avaya, says the outbound messages will, for the most part, include professionally recorded messages supported by personalization and speech recognition provided by several of Avaya’s partners, including Nuance Communications.  Both solutions will also provide customers with the option of taking immediate action or connecting to a live agent or interactive voice response system. When customers get transferred, all of their information gets routed securely along with them to another system or agent, so customers do not need to repeat their personal information.

And, what’s so appealing about these solutions, she says, is that user companies “can leverage their existing technologies in house.”

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