

Tips for Reviewing Voicebot Vulnerability

How companies can help users feel safe by better securing voice assistant data.

Safety and Ethical Concerns Loom Large in Voice Cloning

AI makes synthetic speech sound more realistic than ever—and therein lies the danger.

2024 State of AI in the Speech Technology Industry

How generative (and other types of) artificial intelligence is impacting five important sectors.

2024 State of AI in the Speech Technology Industry: GenAI-Fueled Speech Analytics Enable Real-Time Results

The insights come faster and are more comprehensive

2024 State of AI in the Speech Technology Industry: AI’s Impact on Natural Language Processing

Speech systems will continue to get more conversational with AI advances.

2024 State of AI in the Speech Technology Industry: AI Is Enabling Audiovisual Enhancements

Voice and video creation tools continue to benefit from AI augmentation.

2024 State of AI in the Speech Technology Industry: Voice Biometrics Both Profits From and Is Plagued by AI

Deepfakes threats advance, and technology is challenged to keep up.

2024 State of AI in the Speech Technology Industry: AI Is Revolutionizing Translation, Dubbing, and Subtitling

Improved accuracy, wider language choices, and real-time options are among the benefits.

Industry-Standard Speech App Building Blocks Take Shape

Interface interoperability is becoming closer to reality, but more work is needed.

10 Tips for Maximizing Content for Voice Search

A quarter of the world's population uses voice search, and the numbers are only going to rise.

The Top Speech Technologies and Vendors: The 2023 Speech Industry Awards

AI, AI, and more AI: The technology is disrupting everything, and it's found everywhere in our speech industry achievements for 2023.

2023 Speech Industry Award Winner: D-ID Gives a Human Face and Voice to AI

D-ID, an Israeli company founded in 2017, is providing superpowers to individual creators and businesses alike, uniquely enabling them to transform any picture into an interactive video in seconds.

2023 Speech Industry Award Winner: ID R&D Pioneers Liveness Detection

ID R&D, a New York-based provider of liveness detection and voice biometrics, has quickly become a leader in addressing AI-powered fraud by combining passive facial liveness and voice anti-spoofing technologies.

2023 Speech Industry Award Winner: Microsoft’s VALL-E Breaks the Mold in AI Training

VALL-E, one of Microsoft's latest forays into artificial intelligence, is a transformer-based text-to-speech model that can re-create any voice from just a three-second sample clip.

2023 Speech Industry Award Winner: NVIDIA Is Making Voice AI Better for Almost Everyone

NVIDIA saw blowout second-quarter results, surging margins, and incredible demand, which prompted one analyst from Constellation Insights to conclude that "it's clear the company has little competition and a lot of pricing power."

2023 Speech Industry Award Winner: OpenAI and Its ChatGPT Upended Everything

When it comes to new technologies, few have had as much of an impact as generative artificial intelligence, ushered in by OpenAI in November 2022 with its ChatGPT launch.

2023 Speech Industry Award Winner: ReadSpeaker Embeds TTS in Many More Platforms

With almost 25 years of experience in developing text-to-speech solutions, ReadSpeaker today offers one of the largest selections of expressive, humanlike voices in the industry.

2023 Speech Industry Award Winner: Resemble AI Fights for Responsible Use of Voice Clones

Resemble AI, providers of a platform that uses generative AI to create realistic-sounding voices, in July released Resemble Detect, which can validate the authenticity of audio data to expose speech deepfakes in real time .

2023 Speech Industry Award Winner: SoundHound AI Brings Speech Breakthroughs to the Mainstream

SoundHound AI, based in Santa Clara, Calif., this year launched, among other things, Chat AI, a voice-enabled digital assistant with generative artificial intelligence; and Smart Answering, which uses voice AI to handle inbound customer calls.

2023 Speech Industry Award Winner: Speechmatics Inches Closer Toward a Universal Translator

Speechmatics, a provider of automatic speech recognition software based on recurrent neural networks and statistical language modeling, is on a mission to make its speech-to-text technology usable by 70 percent of the world's population in the next three years.