
VoiceVault Ramps Up Voice Biometrics Offering

VoiceVault has enhanced its voice biometric identity verification platform with a replaceable voice biometric capability that provides higher levels of protection against fraudulent attacks on user identity.

With the new replaceable voice biometric capability, VoiceVault can protect against fraudulent attacks on biometric voice models and, consequently, their biometric identity. By extending VoiceVault's challenge response mode of operation to encompass all digits, zero through nine, an enrollment model that has been compromised, for example, through the fraudulent use of recordings, can be replaced with one that uses a different set of digits.

"The advantage [of the solution] is that when a fraudster has learned what they need to provide in terms of speech to the voice biometric system in order to gain fraudulent access to a user's account, the user can re-enroll with new words/phrase and thus require the fraudster to start again," says Nik Stanbridge, vice president of product marketing at VoiceVault. "They will now need new recordings of the user to be able to get back in, as well as having to get past the replay attack mechanisms again."

This enhancement further sets apart the use of voice as a biometric for identity verification from modalities such as fingerprint, iris, and face. Once these modalities are compromised, there is no possibility for a user to re-enroll. As a result, voice biometrics becomes an even stronger part of the multifactor authentication solution to increasing levels of fraudster activity in markets such as financial services and healthcare, according to VoiceVault.

"Maintaining the security of user accounts is critically important in the face of ever-increasing fraudster attacks," says Stanbridge. "Client confidence in multifactor authentication solutions based on voice biometrics is increased if they know that users just need to re-enroll, which only takes a few seconds, to prevent future attacks. Only voice biometrics allow you to do this."

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