
Inbenta Releases New APIs and SDKs for its Enterprise Chatbot

Inbenta, the natural language search and conversational platform powered by artificial intelligence (AI),  announced the release of its new APIs and SDKs for its enterprise chatbot technology.

With these customer service demands in mind, Inbenta's new APIs and SDKs give companies more control to custom tailor Inbenta services to their unique business needs and use cases. Capabilities accessible via APIs and SDKs include:

  • Intent Detection--With its Natural Language Processing engine, the Inbenta Chatbot is able to match user questions to answers. Every different potential answer represents "intent" in Chatbot jargon. At Inbenta, defining an intent is easy: you only need one simple sentence to identify an intent.
  • Decision Trees--The Inbenta Chatbot uses Decision Trees to define the flow of conversation that the system will take. At every step of the tree, the Inbenta Chatbot may ask Clarifying Questions to better understand the situation at hand. Powered by natural language, if a user asks a question with great detail and enough context, the Inbenta Chatbot can make a direct match with a deep node of the decision tree, making the whole experience faster and more efficient for the end users (and much simpler to build).
  • Transactional Intelligence--Webhooks is an HTTP callback that can be used to pull information from outside of its knowledge base and trigger back-office processes. This allows the integration of business systems, such as billing, customer relationship management software (CRM) and inventory to complete customer transactions or answer questions. Webhooks can also be used to create decision trees to gather additional information and can also support encrypted connections when used as JavaScript callbacks.
  • Leverage Your Existing Knowledge & Content--By integrating Inbenta's Natural Language Search Engine with its newly designed Content Digest feature, you don't need to manually add all the answers to the chatbot. The chatbot will pull the required information from many different sources, such as your website, your knowledge base or your technical documentation.
  • Seamless Escalation--Inbenta's feature-rich intelligence detects cues, or triggers, during the customer interaction, which immediately signal to the bot when to turn the conversation over to a human agent. In real-time, the chatbot selects the appropriate escalation path so that the conversation is seamlessly transferred, without any disruption to the customer. 

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