Speech Technology eWeekly - August 03, 2011


Hosted Solutions Slash Cost of Ownership

Cloud-based offerings bring substantial savings over on-premises systems

Speech Technology News

Nuance Names the Winners of Its I Speak Dragon Contest

Hundreds of people shared their stories of how speech technologies help in their personal and professional lives.

Sensory Releases TrulyHandsfree Voice Control 2.0

The latest version is enhanced with greater accuracy and more voice command and control capabilities.

Verdatum Releases Voice Input Platform

Verbble allows users to speak into any form at their desks or on the go.

Loquendo TTS Powers Online Language Learning Tool

Loquendo teams with Quizlet.com to offer text-to-speech on flashcard sets in 12 languages.


Irrationally Held Truths Take a Toll

When organizations make assumptions about customers, rather than collect real data, self-service applications suffer