Biographical Information

Jason Chicola

Jason Chicola is the CEO and Co-Founder of, a software company that enables a network of 30,000 freelancers to transcribe, caption, translate, and subtitle audio and video files from anywhere for businesses and individual users. Rev is also the parent company to Temi, an automatic speech recognition engine that transcribes audio files in just minutes. Rev Call Recorder and Temi app are free tools developed to help users record high-quality audio and easily submit files for transcripts.

Articles by Jason Chicola

Speech Technology for Productivity

Speech dictation has been found to be three times faster than touch screen typing on mobile devices and two to three times faster than typing on a full keyboard. And the cost of obtaining an automated transcript is usually quite low. Not to mention the quick turnaround time. There are a number of ways speech technology can make processes in our daily lives and work environments more efficient.