Virtual Assistants

Virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa are application programs that understand natural language voice commands and completes tasks for the user. See below for the latest news, trends, and solutions about virtual assistants.


2024 Vertical Market Case Studies: A Speech Technology Special Report

A look at how speech technology solved real-world problems in seven industry sectors.

2024 Vertical Market Case Studies: Speech Technology in Hospitality

Golden Nugget is handling customer calls with PolyAI virtual assistants.

2024 Vertical Market Case Studies: Speech Technology in Waste Management

Republic Services hauls in employee improvements with speech analytics.

Tips for Reviewing Voicebot Vulnerability

How companies can help users feel safe by better securing voice assistant data.

Industry Voices

Conversational AI Is Finding Its Voice

The future of multilingual support lies with conversational artificial intelligence.

Debunking the Most Common Myths in Voice Technology

Demand for voice-enabled devices has skyrocketed during the pandemic, and in the rush to capitalize on it, businesses can easily fall prey to common misconceptions about voice-enabled products. This piece debunks these myths one by one. 

Does Your Intelligent Assistant Really Understand You?

Intelligent virtual assistants still need improvements, analysts conclude after five leading systems are put to the test.

Wake Words Will Soon See a Resurgence

As consumers get more accustomed to using voice interfaces, wake words will become more prominent.


Case Studies Provide Answers to Real-World Problems

Here's how some of your peers have solved problems similar to yours.

Post-Retirement, Speech Tech Projects Await

What will I do if I stop working? What won't I do

Pitfalls Facing Conversational Assistants: Hallucinations and Deepfakes

Bad data (and actors) can have consequences.

Voice Cloning Using Artificial Intelligence Is a Pandora’s Box

It is the best of times, it is the worst of times for this powerful technology.

Speech Technology Reports and Research

Unlock the Power of Free, Purpose-Built AI

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