Speaker Verification/Biometrics

Speaker verification and biometric solutions use an automatic process that analyzes human voice characteristics to identify a speaker (or caller), and changing the face of security. See below for the latest news, trends, and solutions on speaker verification and biometric solutions.


Safety and Ethical Concerns Loom Large in Voice Cloning

AI makes synthetic speech sound more realistic than ever—and therein lies the danger.

2024 State of AI in the Speech Technology Industry

How generative (and other types of) artificial intelligence is impacting five important sectors.

2024 State of AI in the Speech Technology Industry: Voice Biometrics Both Profits From and Is Plagued by AI

Deepfakes threats advance, and technology is challenged to keep up.

The Top Speech Technologies and Vendors: The 2023 Speech Industry Awards

AI, AI, and more AI: The technology is disrupting everything, and it's found everywhere in our speech industry achievements for 2023.

Industry Voices

Preventing Deepfake Phishing from Leaving Customers on the Hook

Customer service personnel need to be trained to detect and react to deepfake phishing attempts. (Featured on SmartCustomerService.com.)

Debunking the Most Common Myths in Voice Technology

Demand for voice-enabled devices has skyrocketed during the pandemic, and in the rush to capitalize on it, businesses can easily fall prey to common misconceptions about voice-enabled products. This piece debunks these myths one by one. 

Harnessing the Power of our Next Generation Voice Solutions

Video: What Is the Minimum Amount of Speech for Authentication?

Pindrop Director of Product Marketing Ben Cunningham discusses best practices for voice authentication in IVR design in this clip from his panel at SpeechTEK 2019.


Medical Diagnosis Applications Are the Frontier of Speech Tech

AI-based voice apps can help in the early diagnosis of disorders such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.

Speaking of Speech Tech’s Future, It Suddenly Arrived

Let's not take all of this progress for granted.

The Voice Fraud Threat Is Real

"Everyone needs to be concerned about the technology being used for nefarious purposes."

Audiovisual Speech Recognition Takes ASR to the Next Level

Humans rely on audio and visual cues to comprehend speech, and ASR should do the same.

Speech Technology Reports and Research

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