
Editor's Letter

Case Studies Provide Answers to Real-World Problems

Here's how some of your peers have solved problems similar to yours.

The Voice Fraud Threat Is Real

"Everyone needs to be concerned about the technology being used for nefarious purposes."

Interoperability Benefits Everyone, So Everyone Should Get Behind It

While the need to improve interoperability is clear, a lot of work must be done to forge a comprehensive set of standards.

Analytics Continues Its Charge Beyond the Phone

Companies are gaining even more actionable business intelligence by deploying artificial intelligence and natural language processing engines to customer conversations in multiple digital channels.

Why Can’t Speech Tech Have a New York Accent?

With a population of 8.8 million within the five boroughs, and nearly 19 million if you include the suburbs, one would be hard-pressed to call the New York metro area a small subset of any U.S. population group.

Analytics Is All the Rage

Thanks to innovations in AI, cloud computing, and NLP, advancements in speech analytics have been fast and furious.

Deepfakes Raise Ethical Questions

Any technology—no matter how well-intentioned—can usually be exploited by those who wish to do us harm.

Speech Prevailed in a Year of Incredible Turmoil

As we highlight in our annual "State of the Speech Technology Industry" report, 2021 was a very good year for the speech industry.

Emotion Is the Next Frontier in Human-Computer Interaction

Ever since the early days of the speech technology industry, engineers and developers have been on a never-ending quest to make voices that sound more lifelike and natural.

Speech Is Headed in New Directions

Though still in its very earliest stages, edge computing is being recognized for the transformative role it could play in voice interfaces.

Speech Is Up for Any Challenge

As consumers' interactions shifted to digital channels, voice has become the interface of choice for many of those interactions.

Let’s Take Action Before It’s Too Late

Has technology reached a point where it's nearly impossible to rein in, where legislation will never be able to catch up with the speed of advancing technology and innovation?

There’s Tech for the Tough Spots

Businesses are now realizing that websites, online content, and product information need to be crafted in new ways so voice-based search engines not only recognize them but position them at the top of search results.

Breakthroughs in Speech Are Just Beginning

Our writers consulted with industry experts across the major sectors of the speech technology landscape to determine the state of the industry

A Good Conversational Interface: Man’s Best Friend

Don't we all want voice-activated devices to be more like a loyal old dog and less like the puppy chewing on your shoes? But it's not necessarily something you can do at home with a few treats and the help of some YouTube videos.

How Human Is Too Human?

We hear, quite often, that conversational AI need to be more human. What this means is that we want it to perform for us at the same level as a human assistant, but we still want to know it's a machine.

Solving Pain Points for Newcomers Could Set You Apart

Smart vendors will think beyond AI and algorithms and find ways to solve business problems

Housekeeping and Homework for 2019

There's no doubt we'll have plenty to talk about in the year to come

Reaching the Reluctant with Speech Technology

I'm not a Luddite, but I am skeptical about the latest shiny new toy. People like me want tech that works for us.

Data Privacy Concerns Should Govern Speech Technology Industry

Security and privacy issues around voice assistants are sexy, but these concerns manifest themselves far more often in more mundane ways.