Speech Technology eWeekly - January 09, 2008


Need Directions? Give Your Thumbs a Rest

Ask.com Mobile launches speech-activated mobile driving and walking directions.

Understanding Callers' Post-Holiday Anger

The holiday season may be one of the busiest times for some contact centers, but the aftermath is just as brutal.

Speech Technology News

Genesys and IBM Expand Call Center Solutions to China

Genesys and IBM last week introduced IBM Contact Center in a Box in China, expanding their Strategic Alliance for Contact Center Solutions.

Speech Technologies Get Air Traffic Controllers Chattering

The U.S. Air Force last week signed an agreement with transportation communications firm ARINC Engineering Services to deploy an automated broadcasting system featuring advanced text-to-speech technologies at three of its installations.

Apple Granted Speech Synthesis Patent

On Dec. 25, Apple received a patent for a method that would greater enhance naturalness in its speech synthesizer.