Speech to Text > Industry Voices

Speech-to-text solutions processes of converting spoken words to written formats for processes such as transcription and voicemail-to-email are integral to businesses and consumers alike. See below for the latest speech-to-text news, trends, and solutions.

Industry Voices

Why Speech Researchers Need Better Benchmarks

Long-form speech recognition is here and growing. With updated datasets, we can accurately train and test ASR models for real-world use cases.

What Does Scaling Mean for the Speech-to-Text Industry?

Speech-to-text services have gained accuracy, but scaling will require additional compute power.

AI Voice: Working with, Not Against, Humans

Companies can leverage automated voice in new ways, building fuller, more authentic connections with their audiences.

How Speech Recognition Can Improve Efficiency in Marketing 

Marketing doesn't suck, but speech recognition could make it better. Here's how.

The Need for Continuous Speech Recognition Testing

Conversational AI and voice have to be tested to ensure that they work flawlessly.

Customer Service Must Adapt to Expanded Touchpoints for Voice of the Customer Insight

Companies need to supplement traditional surveys with speech and text analytics. (Featured on SmartCustomerService.com.)

Speech Recognition - The Gaming Industry's Answer to Avoiding Fines

Speech recognition is processor intensive, but a well-engineered, highly tuned GPU-powered system can decrease costs and allow gaming companies to train the system to cope with customers' specific languages. 

Voice Technology is Essential to Digital Transformation

Advances in speech technology are ensuring that voice continues to have a role in customer interactions.

Speech Technology Has a Place in Ed Tech and English Language Learning

Technology advances in speech recognition, pronunciation error detection, and speech scoring can make a huge difference in how students learn the English language.

Five Must-have Speech Recognition Capabilities For the Modern Contact Center

The latest advances in speech-to-text technology enable analytics software to deliver the most accurate and complete customer insights. To do so, robust ASR solutions must be able to do five things.

Video: Current Challenges in Enterprise Speech Tech

Orion Labs Head of Product Ellen Juhlin and Voicea CMO Cory Treffiletti discuss persisting challenges in speech-to-text, AI identifying intent, user expectations, and more in enterprise speech tech applications in this clip from their panel at SpeechTEK 2019.

Speech Technology for Productivity

Speech dictation has been found to be three times faster than touch screen typing on mobile devices and two to three times faster than typing on a full keyboard. And the cost of obtaining an automated transcript is usually quite low. Not to mention the quick turnaround time. There are a number of ways speech technology can make processes in our daily lives and work environments more efficient.

Video: How Hardware Advances Have Transformed NLP

O'Reilly Media's Paco Nathan discusses the explosive growth in CPUs and GPUs that have opened new vistas for natural-language processing applications and rendered old approaches obsolete in this clip from his SpeechTEK 2018 keynote.

Video: What Can NLP Do for Your Converted Text?

Paco Nathan of O'Reilly Media's R & D Group discusses the benefits of natural-language processing (NLP) when working with text converted from video in this clip from his SpeechTEK 2018 keynote.