
Gostai and Acapela Partner

Gostai, a company dedicated to Artificial Intelligence applied to Robotics, chose Acapela text-to-speech to voice animate its platform.

Gostai aims to provide robot manufacturers and end-users with a universal robotic platform with software modules (speech technologies, face detection, etc.) in partnership with robotic software companies and academic research labs.

Gostai's core technology is URBI, the Universal Real-time Behavior Interface, used to control hardware and software components. Acapela text-to-speech contributes to giving a voice to the Gostai offer, allowing robot manufacturers to voice animate their interface.

URBI gives a way to control any robot or complex system like a video game, using a scripting language that can be interfaced with several programming languages (C++, Java, Matlab, etc.) and OS (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux). URBI is based on a client/server architecture. URBI includes features compared to existing scripting solutions: parallel execution of commands, event programming, command tagging, dynamic variables, and others.

Gostai also offers various professional tools for developers: URBI Development Studio, URBI Motion Editor, or URBI Remote Professional.

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