
Inktel Direct Expands Contact-Center Product Offering

MIAMI LAKES, FL - Inktel Direct announced it has expanded its contact-center product offering to include integrated voice recognition, voice response and data-collection services for its corporate clients nationwide. The new product offering, powered by NetByTel, a provider of hosted voice-enabled solutions, enables users to minimize their contact-center costs while capturing customers' demographic information, organizing it into a database for use in future marketing initiatives and automatically distributing direct-mail materials. "We expanded our product offering to make it easier for our clients' customers to quickly obtain information without having to use touch-tone phones," said J. Ricky Arriola, president of Inktel Direct. "As we continue our national growth, we'll introduce other products designed to help companies maximize the returns on their marketing investments." Inktel Direct's multi-lingual, full-service contact centers enable companies to interact with their customers through several touch points, including in- and out-bound telephone calls, interactive voice response, Internet, Web chat, e-mail or fax.
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