
MoveOn PAC Receives Answers from Angel.com

MCLEAN, Va. - MoveOn PAC announced that it has received a hosted call center management solution from Angel.com, providing MoveOn PAC volunteers in the field with access to available technical support specialists.  MoveOn relies on a Web-based application to accept donations, track and share data, and collect information as its volunteers call and canvas voters.

The organization needed a systematic method to connect its "feet on the street" volunteers with volunteer technical support staff when any issues arose.  Angel.com built a solution that provides a toll-free number for volunteers, linking them to an available volunteer technical support specialist.  The Angel.com solution also allows tech support specialists to check in and out, and inbound inquiries are routed only to volunteers who are available. 

Previously, field volunteers needing such assistance had to call group leaders who would either try to manage the issue themselves or track down technical support through a series of calls or messages, taking time away from their core activities. Additionally, Angel.com made it possible for MoveOn to tie its new telephony application directly to its Web site, allowing MoveOn to perform a check to validate operator identity.

"The Angel.com team did an incredible job of quickly providing an efficient solution with very little up-front cost," said Eli Pariser, executive director of MoveOn PAC.  "We had been exploring telephony applications for some time, but weren't able to find a vendor that would allow us to deploy applications quickly, and for short timeframes, without committing to buying hardware and software solutions or committing to high minimum payments.  With Angel.com, these issues were not a concern."

Angel.com leverages its Web-based platform and speech recognition technology to create applications that can automate many phone-based interactions.

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