
Verint Launches New Version of Impact 360 Speech Analytics

Verint Systems today launched a new version of Impact 360 Speech Analytics and unveiled Impact 360 Speech Analytics Essentials—an analytics solution aimed at small- to mid-sized contact centers.

According to Verint, the offerings—which enable businesses to analyze recorded customer interactions to build better customer service strategies—deliver out-of-the-box value and proactively identify call drivers, emerging trends, opportunities, and competitive influence. 

Both solutions leverage phonetics and Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition (LVCSR) and are driven by the company’s proprietary Complete Semantic Index, which automatically identifies significant changes in customer behavior and proactively reports those changes via the software’s Automated Trend Analysis.

The Complete Semantic Index allows businesses to find relevant calls quickly and determine underlying causes of rising call volumes, costs, and customer dissatisfaction—all without predetermined search terms. 

“[We] have speech analytics actively listening to calls—that the users aren’t necessarily listening to—and just feeding information, trends, and patterns to the contact center,” says Diego Lomanto, manager of analytics solutions marketing at Verint.

According to Lomanto, if the system sees a spike in a word or phrase—for example the term “new fee”—it will report that spike without having been programmed to search for the words “new fee.”  In this way, the solution identifies trends before they become issues.

“And that’s different then root cause analysis,” Lomanto says. “We’re coming out with trend analysis capabilities, which is take all my calls and tell me what I don’t know.”

According to Verint, the new Impact 360 Speech Analytics Essentials is aimed at enabling businesses with small to medium-sized contact centers to achieve the benefits of speech analytics—benefits that may have been previously unavailable.

Lomanto says Verint realized that the businesses most successfully deploying analytics solutions were larger organizations with strategic analysis teams in place—organizations that could quickly adopt new processes. And this, he says, posed a barrier to widespread adoption and expansion of the market.

“There’re a lot of contact centers out there that are small- to mid-size that, to date, really couldn’t grasp how to implement and install and really support advanced versions of these products that we and our competitors offer,” he says.

Aimed at contact centers with 50 to 300 agent seats, Impact 360 Speech Analytics Essentials can operate on a single box and is upgradable, allowing growing businesses access to Verint’s advanced offering for larger contact centers. 

“It’s a unique offering,” Lomanto says. “No one offers this yet…Anyone could sell speech analytics to a smaller contact center. But they won’t get to the price point that we’re at. No one has developed an essentials product that has the price point that we’re at. And no one has developed a product that has ease of use like this product.”

Additionally, Impact 360 Speech Analytics includes automated root cause analysis with TellMeWhy functionality—which can identify potential underlying drivers of specific call types, prioritize root cause groups, and automatically suggest top instigators for each call set. The solution also features speech analytics-driven scorecards, native business integrations with Impact 360 Quality Monitoring’s Smart Inbox, and Impact 360 Data Analytics.

“We’ve improved the search capabilities,” Lomanto says. “We’ve added a lot of user-friendly, guided search tools—things you would find on mainstream search engines: auto completion, contextual suggestions, visual guidance of search.”

According to Lomanto, the reaction to the releases has been very positive.

“[People are] really psyched about it,” he says. “They’re really excited about it.  The feedback so far has been tremendous.”

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