January/February 1997
Magazine Features
IBMs New Toolkit Connects with a Family of Developers
James A. LarsonScott McGlashan //
31 Jan 1997
The goal of speaking to your computer, and having it do what you say, has been a goal of IBMs speech recognition research team for over 25 years.
Industry reports: are they your best information source?
Judith MarkowitzCaroline Henton //
31 Jan 1997
Staying ahead of the pack in the rapidly emerging speech recognitionindustry requires up to date, reliable information.
More Powerful Chips Allow Better Systems at Lower Prices
Lizanne Kaiser //
31 Jan 1997
One of the most critical components in sparking the further development of speech recognition technology is the dramatic growth in the speed and power of microprocessor chips.
Natural Language Understanding for Customer Service
Phillip Britt //
31 Jan 1997
Interactive Voice Response (IVR) systems are some of the most commercially viable applications of speech recognition. The way people communicate with such systems is advancing rapidly. It is possible for computers to recognize, understand, and respond to conversational input with complicated structured dialogs or limited vocabularies.
Speech's Holy Grail
Peter Fleming Robert Andersen //
31 Jan 1997
Through a remarkable technology developed over decades of research, it is now possible to dictate free text to a computer and have it recognize ones speech and type it out, without fingers ever touching the keyboard. Sound waves, vibrations of air, are transduced into electrical impulses by microphones.