Speech Technology eWeekly - August 03, 2022

Editor's Letter

Analytics Is All the Rage

Thanks to innovations in AI, cloud computing, and NLP, advancements in speech analytics have been fast and furious.

Speech Technology News

Contact Center Software to Be a $93 Billion Market by 2027

MarketsandMarkets has upped its projections for the worldwide contact center software market, which is expected to hit $35.2 billion this year. (Featured on SmartCustomerService.com.)

XRAI Glass Provides Captions for Conversations

XRAI Glass provides subtitles of live conversations on the inside of the lenses.

For The Record Launches FTR Gold 7.6

FTR Gold 7.6 supports hybrid courtroom recording, transcription, and remote workflows.

VM-Fi to Launch Speech-to-Speech Translator

VM-FiĀ is set to release its Smart 5G Blazing Fast AI Speech Translation System.

Globant Invests in Ping Voice

Globant's Be Kind Tech Fund invests in ping's voice platform that reads aloud drivers' text and email messages.

Industry Voices

Audio Is the Missing Piece in the Online Productivity Predicament

Audio is central to CX, especially in an increasingly virtual world. The lack of investment in audio technology is having a major impact on call center success and the well-being of agents. (Featured on SmartCustomerService.com.)