The Importance of Voice Control on Aging in Place
10 Jan 2023
The development of voice control language processing and available applications will impact seniors' ability to safely age in place.
Debunking the Most Common Myths in Voice Technology
06 Apr 2021
Demand for voice-enabled devices has skyrocketed during the pandemic, and in the rush to capitalize on it, businesses can easily fall prey to common misconceptions about voice-enabled products. This piece debunks these myths one by one.
Wake Words Will Soon See a Resurgence
29 Sep 2020
As consumers get more accustomed to using voice interfaces, wake words will become more prominent.
Protecting User Data: How Close is the US to its Own GDPR?
25 Sep 2019
GDPR has already had wide-ranging consequences for companies collecting data, and now some are calling for federal regulations in the U.S. Voice-data isn't exempt from the regulations, and vendors need to be ready.
Enhancing Voice Search with Sentiment Analysis
28 Aug 2019
Sentiment analysis has the potential to revolution voice search, but as of now, search providers are not taking advantage of all it has to offer. Find out how using sentiment analysis can lead to more accurate search results and happier customers.
Software Inside the Hardware: Unlocking the Skills in a VUI
07 Aug 2019
Much as developers rushed to put new apps onto Apple's App Store in 2009, we're seeing a bit of a gold rush to develop new skills for voice assistants. But developing for a VUI is an entirely different challenge.
4 Reasons Why Purchasing with Voice is the Future
01 May 2019
Explore four consumer trends that are driving the growth of voice intelligence in point of sale platforms.
Avoid Being Fooled by Parlor Tricks: The Necessity of Real-World Environment Testing for ASR
03 Apr 2019
Voice assistant's ability to perform in varied, and often difficult, sound environments will be a key pillar for the sector's success. The sheer scale of distribution for voice assistants means they are going to be used in many different situations and environments, many of which require them to adapt to the variability of the scenarios, which is a huge risk for this emerging market.
Tailoring Your SEO Strategy for Different Virtual Assistants
13 Feb 2019
Optimizing your content for voice search isn't a one-size-fits-all solution. Surfacing your content for Siri, Google, and Alexa are very separate challenges.
Digital Marketing & Voice Search: What Marketers Need To Know
23 Jan 2019
The smart speaker marketplace—think Amazon Echo and Google Home—is growing like gangbusters, and digital marketers who are in the know, are bracing for its impact. The emerging category is evolving rapidly, and could affect the digital marketing landscape in a similar way that mobile devices and smartphones did a decade ago—except maybe faster and more pervasively.
2 Tools to Help you Get Started with Voice Technology
02 Jan 2019
If you're a content creator of any kind--creating books or audiobooks, podcasts, articles, magazines, videos, you name it--you're eventually going to have to bring that content into the realm of Amazon's Alexa. Here are two tools to help beginners build their skills.
Optimizing Your Business: The VEO Way
21 Nov 2018
Picture this - you are the owner of a restaurant with the best-rated steak tacos in town. While your grills are flaming and the tacos are served to perfection, the volume of reservations and in-store walk-ins is dwindling. You think it's the slow season, until you see your competitor down the block is constantly packed. Did you know Alexa, Siri, Google Home, and other voice devices could be to blame?
Video: 2018's Biggest Speech Technology Trends
25 May 2018
In an industry that is changing so rapidly, it's hard to pinpoint the trends that really matter. So we turned to the experts at SpeechTEK 2018, and asked Michael McTear, Allyson Boudousquie, Debra Cancro, and Crispin Reedy what trends caught their eye this year.
The Rise Of The Voice-Enabled Associate
23 Mar 2018
Speech technology helps retailers deliver on a connected and productive workforce.