
IQ Technology Selects Wizzard Software for IQ-Alert

IQ Technology selected Wizzard Software's AT&T Natural Voices TTS Telephony Server edition for use in its IQ-Alert Emergency Notification System. IQ Alert is a multi-lingual emergency notification system and fulfills a requirement for emergency notifications within multi-national companies.

"We have evaluated several English TTS engines and find AT&T's's Natural Voices performance has the best voice quality," said Ray Chao, president of IQ Technology. "Also, AT&T's Natural Voices can be easily integrated with our IQ-Alert system since it supports the Microsoft SAPI 5.1 interface."

In optoelectronics product lines, any auto-equipment malfunction could cause extensive financial loss. An MES (Manufacture Execution System) monitors the auto equipment, and if the MES detects an abnormal situation it will send a text alert message to the IQ Alert Emergency Notification System. IQ-Alert will parse the text messages, determine the appropriate language and select a TTS engine/font. Using AT&T's's Natural Voices Telephony Server TTS engine the alert message is transformed into a voice in real-time and used by the IQ-Alert system to notify designated engineers by telephone, no matter where they are. If the designated engineer cannot be reached in a timely manner, alternates are promptly notified in the same manner. The engineers can interact on the phone call through a voice-response system and can call the IQ-Alert server to hear the status report at any time from any location.

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