
SkyCreek Launches v5.4 of the Call Notify IVR Platform

HERNDON, Va. - SkyCreek Corporation, a provider of proactive outbound and inbound IVR solutions, launched v5.4 of the flagship offering, the Call Notify IVR Platform. Some of the key features of the new release include:

  • Improved scheme for prioritization: This new feature applies to calls across multiple applications running on the same server. Campaign administrators have the ability to mark a calling campaign as critical or as lowest priority, during a campaign, to move calls to the top or the bottom of the stack. A campaign can also be suspended in the event of unexpected developments.
  • Ability to schedule calls by time of day: With version 5.4, the first attempt of the day can now be scheduled for a specific time and for a specific callee. For example -- a wake-up call service can schedule calls for a specific time per callee.
  • Enhanced ability to analyze user behavior through call flow flags: The user can now define flags and values at specific points in the call flow to analyze user interaction with the voice application. All field names and values are stored at the end of the call and are available through the call log report. In the instance of a survey application, users can flag data fields in the voice application to track callee responses and also assign values to user inputs.
  • Additional analytical capability: Users can now view a new hourly statistic on calls due for a voice application. Users can also view the calls completed for the hour for the voice application.
Export complete call log: The call log includes all calls made, duration, final status and call results generated, based on call flow tags, in a .csv format.

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