
Athreon Launches Medical Speech Recognition

Athreon, a business and knowledge process outsourcing company, now offers a front-end speech recognition solution for healthcare.

"While we've successfully used back-end speech recognition for years to bolster accuracy, consistency, and turnaround, we waited to deploy front-end speech because of the frustrations many physicians voiced about it from competing solutions. We wanted to get this right, and we're confident we have," said Athreon's president, Sterling Garde, in a statement.

The cloud-based technology can be accessed on desktop or mobile device and supports both Mac, Android, and Windows environments and is browser- and electronic health record system-agnostic. Users can self-edit or escalate jobs to an Athreon editor for review.</p/>

Reportedly, Athreon speech recognition users reduce charting time by an average of two hours per day.

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