
LocusDialog Provides Speech Telephony Solution to Single-Campus Community College

MONTREAL, CANADA - LocusDialog announced the deployment of its LocusDialogSTS system to answer calls to College of DuPage's main phone number in Glen Ellyn, Illinois. LocusDialogSTS systems incorporate speech-enabled call routing applications, speech-dialed directories and speech-driven information access, applications that are particularly appropriate for the needs of the educational sector. The LocusDialogSTS system provides front-end call answering and call transferring. The College of DuPage's staff, faculty and students as well as callers from the community can therefore simply ask for whom or what they want and get connected without needing a live operator. College of DuPage is the largest single-campus community college in the United States, with a staff of 3,600 serving both students (over 73,000) and the surrounding community. The college offers a broad array of academic programs, non-credit courses and entertainment aimed at all ages and backgrounds. Gary Wenger, College of DuPage VP for information technology states unreservedly, "The campus-targeted speech recognition applications developed by LocusDialog perfectly support our objectives of providing state-of-the-art services to our students, staff and the community at large. With the LocusDialogSTS handling all calls to our main campus number, we're convinced that our campus users will derive enormous advantages, such as faster connect times and fewer frustrating delays, from using a natural speech telephone interface to connect with other users and obtain college-related information." LocusDialog sales and marketing VP Larry Lisser adds, "The deployment of this application is an important indication of just how rapidly speech is becoming the preferred front-end communications interface among organizations of all sizes. Efficient telephony communications are a crucial component of the services provided by higher education institutions. We're pleased to be contributing a mission-critical solution by integrating best-of-class speech functionality with College of DuPage's telephony infrastructure."
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