
Tell-Eureka Announces Support for VoiceXML 2.0 Standard

NEW YORK, NY - Tell-Eureka announced that its LevelOne Virtual CSR voice self-service solution supports the VoiceXML 2.0 standard. LevelOne Virtual CSR's speech capabilities leverage the OpenSpeech product line from SpeechWorks International, Inc. (Nasdaq: SPWX), a global leader in speech technologies and services. Optimized for VoiceXML, the OpenSpeech product line delivers scalability, performance, and accuracy in speech applications. "Support for the VoiceXML 2.0 standard combined with LevelOne Virtual CSR's open architecture has enabled Tell-Eureka to rapidly deliver high quality customer support solutions that combine voice and Web self-service," said Zor Gorelov, founder and CEO of Tell-Eureka. "SpeechWorks' leadership within the standards community and its support of the VoiceXML 2.0 standard within its OpenSpeech product line make SpeechWorks the ideal technology provider for LevelOne Virtual CSR." LevelOne Virtual CSR represents a powerful new way to automate first-level technical support and resolve common product issues and inquiries quickly and effectively over the phone without live agent assistance.
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