

Audiovisual Speech Recognition Takes ASR to the Next Level

Humans rely on audio and visual cues to comprehend speech, and ASR should do the same.

Speech Technology Can Help Revive Indigenous Languages

Speech-to-speech translation can make education, media, and business more linguistically inclusive.

Speech Technology in the Midst of the Coronavirus

This is the time for speech technology—and all online communication technologies—to leap into action

A Speech Translation Evangelist on the Business Opportunities in an Interconnected World

Entrepreneur Jeffry Williams, CEO of Worldwide Tech Connections, sees big challenges, and even bigger opportunities for speech tech providers, in the need to tackle the translation requirements of today's business climate.

Speech-to-Text Gives Higher Education a Global Boost

New technology makes the world a little smaller.

eBooks for the Visually Impaired

Kindle and other readers come up short; Justice Dept. pushes textbooks