

Shopping Made Easy: Features of a Modern Conversational Assistant

An imaginary interaction shows the possibilities. Plus, speech technologies deserve their own Nobels.

AI Can Elevate In-Store Music

So-called elevator music can be jazzed up by genAI, but there are gray areas.

Conversational AI Is Becoming More Practical

As a spring conference displayed, the technology is improving and the use cases growing.

Enduring AI-Powered Retail Trends for 2022

Digital engagement will continue to enhance retail, both in the store and online.

There’s Tech for the Tough Spots

Businesses are now realizing that websites, online content, and product information need to be crafted in new ways so voice-based search engines not only recognize them but position them at the top of search results.

Infusing AI and Speech into the Mobile Retail Customer Experience

AI-powered apps are employing speech as part of an all-important omnichannel approach

AAC Tech Can Help Those with Speech Disabilities Navigate Public Places

Augmentative and alternative communication puts control in the hands of people with speech disabilities, and that should be good for businesses, too