
Fast-Talk Introduces Audio Searching for Telephony Applications

ATLANTA, GA - Fast-Talk Communications, creator audio searching technology, announced Fast-Talk Telephony, an audio search engine designed to let organizations better manage and mine audio information. The new product was created to search for key words, phrases and proper names within a recorded conversation or voice message. Fast-Talk Telephony is based on identifying and indexing phonemes-the smallest unit of speech that differentiates one sound from another. Because its technology is rooted in phonetics, Fast-Talk Telephony searches and identifies words and phrases based on what they sound like-regardless of spelling or speaker, and without transcription. "Audio information is extremely valuable, but until now has been inaccessible," said Armistead Whitney, president and CEO of Fast-Talk Communications. "Organizations need to be able to effectively search this audio information in a timely and cost effective manner. Fast-Talk Telephony searches voice recordings, such as voicemail messages, for specific content and makes audio information as accessible as other types of data."
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