
Intervoice and RSA Work Together

DALLAS - Intervoice and RSA, The Security Division of EMC, signed an agreement to integrate Intervoice Voice Portal with RSA Adaptive Authentication for Phone.  This integration will enhance the protection of customers who conduct their banking business over the phone.

With this newly integrated solution financial service institutions' contact centers can leverage the customer service benefits of Intervoice Voice Portal with the security of RSA's multifactor authentication solutions. Intervoice's underlying technology for its voice portal software is a runtime-execution engine based on State Chart Extensible Markup Language (SCXML). This technology enables Intervoice to integrate with RSA Adaptive Authentication for Phone. Intervoice is one of the first companies to have a commercial implementation of SCXML to manage complex call control and application delivery in a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) environment.

RSA's risk-based authentication technology is engineered to provide an added layer of security to enhance Intervoice's existing multifactor authentication offering.  RSA's solution provides behind-the-scenes authentication, allowing the majority of telephone banking callers to continue uninterrupted with their transaction. Only callers or transactions flagged as high-risk by the RSA Risk Engine are challenged with secondary authentication in the form of one-time passwords, biometric voiceprint samples, or additional content match questions.

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