
MicroAutomation and Voxeo Announce Strategic Partnership

Today, MicroAutomation and Voxeo announced a multi-faceted strategic partnership.

MicroAutomation has been selected into Voxeo's Preferred Professional Services Partner program to provide interactive voice response (IVR) and computer-telephony integration (CTI) design, development, and implementation services, on behalf of Voxeo, to their customers. Both companies are working to integrate their technologies into existing products. In addition, MicroAutomation is developing a version of their outbound IVR product to be available on Voxeo's Prophecy hosted cloud beginning in January.

"Voxeo represents the perfect type of organization to partner with as they share a commitment to meet industry standards and offer support for harnessing the power of cloud hosting. The synergies between our companies are in perfect harmony, and we have already received great feedback from our customers," stated Scott Fischer, MicroAutomation's chief operations officer.

"This partnership further enables us to meet the needs of companies that are looking to outbound IVR as a way to proactively engage customers," said Clayton Reed, senior vice president of worldwide sales and marketing at Voxeo. "The partnership expands both companies' existing solution base and ultimately enhances our capabilities in the communications application market."

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