
SS&C Adds Voice Recognition to Financial Services App

SS&C Technologies, a global provider of financial services software and software-enabled services, has embedded a voice recognition assistant in its iPhone and iPad SS&C GlobeOp app for comprehensive mobile fund administration.

With the new Siri-like voice recognition technology, customers can perform routine inquiries or access reports by speaking out pre-defined, aided keywords. The voice recognition technology enables users to navigate the SS&C GlobeOp App menu, review fund documents, and access critical reports. SS&C GlobeOp has submitted the latest release to the Apple app store.

"When a customer uses the app, the virtual voice recognition assistant will respond to questions and commands in a way similar to Apple's Siri," said Bill Stone, chairman and CEO of SS&C Technologies, in a statement. "Customers can ask pre-defined commands, such as 'Show me my fund's exposure by asset class' and "Tell me my best fund performance.' We believe we are first to market with this capability for the alternatives market. We also continue to deliver on our primary focus, which is providing exceptional investment intelligence to our customers anytime, anywhere."

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