
SPIRIT Offers New Software Product RealDuplex For Hands Free Car Kits

MOSCOW, RUSSIA - SPIRIT has released a new software product SPIRIT RealDuplex - Acoustic Echo Canceller (AEC) for Hands Free Car Kits. The product is primarily targeted for OEMs planning to develop hands free car kits.


RealDuplex has a speech recognition module enabling implementation of voice-activated communication control. According to SPIRIT, simple verbal commands can be used to place calls, bringing hands-free convenience.


Also, RealDuplex from SPIRIT includes software components for developing a device making possible communication over the mobile phone while driving. Echo cancellation and noise suppression features filter out surrounding noise and phone echo effects.


RealDuplex is based on full-duplex technology, which enables both parties to speak at the same time. SPIRIT RealDuplex has been deployed in the US, UK, France and Germany.

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