Professional Services/Consulting

Companies that offer technical and operational expertise in this industry. These companies can be vendor-neutral or tied to a specific vendor.



We present the thinkers and innovators who are creating new tools and approaches for speech technology—and fostering the next generation of talent.

Speech Readies Healthcare for ACA Requirements

After proving their mettle, voice solutions continue to help providers and insurers comply with regulations, put a lid on costs, and serve patients.

The 2012 Market Leaders

SpeechTEK 2011 Keynoter David Gergen Calls for Leadership

CNN analyst and former presidential aide identifies mobilization, persuasion, and trust as critical qualities in drawing parallel between industry and political worlds

Industry Voices

Should You Shore Up Your Resources Through Offshoring?

Some job titles are better outsourced overseas than others.

Opening the Kimono

Lessons learned from some past speech deployment mistakes.

Is Your Self-Service Millennial-Friendly?

The new generation requires a new form of personalization.

Speech Technology Reports and Research

Unlock the Power of Free, Purpose-Built AI

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