
VoxPeritus Partners with GM Voices

VoxPeritus, a consulting firm offering caller experience improvement services, has partnered with  GM Voices, a producer of professionally-recorded human voices for automated technologies. The two companies will work together to provide brand protecting insights for the voice channel, coupled with professional voice talent and voice technology expertise.

Kevin Brown, VoxPeritus' managing director, and Tom Fetters, its vice president of sales, both have long histories of working with GM Voices as their preferred professional voice partner, and look forward to continuing the relationship through this partnership.

Brown called GM Voices founder and CEO Marcus Graham "a trailblazer in raising awareness of the importance of protecting Fortune 1000 companies' brand equity through the voice channel." 

"VoxPeritus passionately shares Marcus' convictions, and our partnership truly is based in a perfect match of belief that the voice channel will continue to be a significant customer touch point of every organization, and one that is all too often ignored as affecting brand equity," Brown said in a statement.

"This is going to pay real dividends for VoxPeritus clients," Graham added. "Kevin and Tom each have formidable track records in voice automation, speech and call centers solutions. In the past, too many companies turned their important end-user customer relationships over to voice automation to lower their costs. And too often, poorly designed systems alienated customers. VoxPeritus is uniquely qualified to incorporate high-quality, brand-centric caller experience best practices into every link in the voice channel. GM Voices is pleased to be a part of the team with its voice actors , languages, and production services. The brand, the user experience, and the bottom line are forever linked."

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