
Mindshare Combines Speech-to-Text with Analytics

Mindshare Technologies recently released Mindshare Speech-to-Text, an integrated transcription, customer feedback management, and voice of the customer tool.

Customers are given the opportunity to respond to surveys at the end of a phone call with customer service. Midshare Speech-to_Text transcribes the audio comment and feeds it through Mindshare’s Text Analytics Suite, instantly converting the audible feedback into actionable information for store managers and company execs. The three-part Text Analytics Suite includes the following:

  • Mindshare Explore: Explores every sentence of each customer comment to identify the phrases and topics most often mentioned, like "wait time," "rude employees," and "cell phone.”
  • Mindshare Discover: Discovers previously unknown insights in multiple customer comments by correlating structured data (like location, time of visit, and customer satisfaction ratings) and unstructured data (open-ended comments). For example, Discover can find that employee cell phone usage drives poor customer satisfaction ratings.
  • Mindshare Monitor: Monitors trends in customer comments based on categories specific to your business. For example: if a customer says they "waited 20 minutes," Monitor categorizes it as "Speed of Service," then adds it to a trend report and graph.

With Speech-to-Text, individual location managers and company execs receive their customers’ comments in both audio and transcribed formats in real time. 

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