
Phonologies Announces InterpreXerT

MUMBAI, INDIA - Phonologies Private Limited announced the release of it's VoiceXML 2.0 Interpreter, InterpreXerT. InterpreXerT, which supports the latest features released by the VoiceXML Forum in the last draft, has been made available for beta testing. In addition to this, Phonologies has also added features like built in messaging, sending FAX / SMS / E-mail by use of VoiceXML tags, session based cookie support, call detail recording for billing purposes, and H.T.T.P. 1.1 caching. The Founder Chairman of the company Major S.K. Lamba was quoted saying "Call Centers, Mobile and Telecom operators can leverage these features to enhance their messaging services and also create new revenue channels." Phonologies has put in a dedicated effort of more than 6000 man-hours into the development of InterpreXer to ensure that its final product is ASR / TTS and Telephony Platform agnostic. The CTO of Phonologies, Mr. Manjunath Bhajantri added, "Our InterpreXerT has been successfully tested with leading ASR and TTS engines and also works well with third party telephony platforms like CISCO and Dialogic. We aim to provide our customers with a range of solutions as per their choice". The InterpreXer will also be available with support for NMS, Brooktrout and PIKA boards in the near future. Phonologies is also shipping a Voice Gateway Platform, AccessIP which is a package of InterpreXer and a choice of third party ASR / TTS engines and Telephony interfaces along with its OA&M (Operation, Administration and Maintenance) package. "Because our focus is on how our customers benefit from the deployment of our gateways, it is imperative for us to address their management needs", Major Lamba said. The OA&M package, PhonOAM gives a "single seat" view of the entire network to the administrator. This capability allows analysis of workflow, network operations, fault detection services for synchronization of resources from a single point of presence. "In a network environment which comprises of multi-vendor technology, the management system tool must assist in planning, configuring and monitoring elements to ensure optimal performance at low capital expense with the highest possible ROI in Voice and Data Network investments. An effective expansion of any network environment must be done with zero or minimal down-time." Phonologies AccessIP has been designed to let operators, whether Telecom or ISP's and businesses to enhance their communications offerings through its multi-purpose functionality. Besides being a Voice Server, AccessIPT also acts as stand-alone IP Telephony Gateway and Messaging Gateway to provide long distance telephony and messaging services. All calls and messages are routed via the Internet to their destination. "In today's competitive marketplace businesses strive for differentiation through a base of service offerings. By delivering value through voice, they will be branded as innovators, and at the same time increase customer loyalty, extend the reach of their services and increase profitability."
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