
Voice Analysis Application to Feature Hosted Option

Castel Communications and Global Connect announced a partnership to offer Castel Detect Voice and Speech Analysis through the Global Connect hosted GC1 Peak Dialer. This new integrated solution will be available early next year to call centers looking for a hosted dialer and word/speech analysis solution.

"Both companies are committed to delivering innovative solutions to market," said Rachid Cheaib, Castel's CEO, in a statement. "This partnership brings two incredibly talented organizations together to release an immediate voice and speech analysis product in a multi-tenant hosted dialer environment."

"By integrating Castel Detect with Global Connect's cloud based GC1 Peak Dialer, we're launching a competitive and affordable option for the middle market call centers," said Darrin Bird, Global Connect's chief operations officer, in the statement. "Castel Detect and GC1 Peak Dialer are innovative product offerings, and both companies are excited to expand their capabilities and offerings to their existing and new customers."

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