
Scott Medford Inducted Into AIDC 100

ROCKWALL, Texas - Scott Medford, a partner at Genesta, a data collection solutions provider, was inducted into the AIDC 100 at its annual meeting held at Stony Brook University. Membership into the AIDC 100, a not-for-profit, self-sustaining, non-political, international organization of automatic identification and data capture (AIDC) veterans, is limited to professionals who have contributed to the growth and advancement of the industry.

Medford has a history in the AIDC industry, including wireless networking, barcode scanning, and speech recognition. Active in global associations, he served on the board of directors of AIM Global and was a founding director of AIM North America.

Prior to joining Genesta, Medford held various positions at Intermec, including vice president for RFID and vice president of global alliances, business development and OEM. He was also vice president of business development for SyVox, a speech recognition company whose assets and products are now owned by Genesta.

The AIDC 100 is a technical and business resource, with emphasis on education, whose primary goal is to enlarge the business community's knowledge and understanding of AIDC. Its Special Collections Library is housed at Stony Brook University in Stony Brook, New York.


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