
HouseLogix Releases Speech Recognition Device

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HouseLogix, a provider of advanced hardware and software products for home control, has released VoicePod, a patented wireless speech-control device for home automation systems.

 VoicePod adds both voice recognition and speech synthesis capabilities to popular home-control systems such as Control4. Using embedded speaker-independent voice recognition technology that requires no Web access, VoicePod instantly interprets speech commands for voice control of TV, music, thermostats, lighting, shading, door locks, cameras, and more.

Users simply say "Hello VoicePod" from anywhere in a room to activate VoicePod, and then issue voice commands such as "Turn on the lights," "Secure the house," and "Listen to music."

 Hands-free control of thermostats is also supported. Users can even ask VoicePod questions, such as "What is the house status?" or "What is the weather forecast?" and VoicePod verbally delivers the requested information. VoicePod can also speak in response to any event, alerting users to security concerns such as open garage doors or unusual temperatures or weather conditions.

VoicePod is just four inches wide and provides its own speaker and microphone. The device may be placed on a tabletop, mounted on a wall, or concealed and connected to a hidden microphone and external speakers. For large spaces, two or more VoicePods can be placed strategically to provide hands-free control throughout a home.

"What I'm most proud of with the VoicePod invention is the way it allows speech interaction to become an integral part of everyday living," said Ted Rosenberger, CEO of HouseLogix, in a statement. "Hands-free voice control and speech feedback are there precisely when you need them but remain invisible the rest of the time."

"We have seen the demand for voice control on mobile devices and in automobiles," said Paul Williams, vice president of security and communications products for Control4, in a statement. "The next logical step is the home. VoicePod delivers an innovative solution that takes that next step and brings all kinds of exciting speech interaction to home automation."

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