
Speech technology and telecommunications are a natural fit. See below for the latest news on companies serving cable, wireless, wire line, and ISP carriers and service providers.


The 2015 State of the Speech Technology Industry: Voice Biometrics

The 2015 State of the Speech Technology Industry: Application Testing and Tuning

How to Know When Your Speech System Is Too Old

Customer dissatisfaction is the first indication, as the IVR begins to cost more to maintain than to replace

Exclusive Book Excerpt: Designing Better Speaker Verification

Chapter describes how to bridge the gap between the creators and implementers of investigatory voice biometric technologies

Industry Voices

Media Standards for the Web: WebRTC and WebAudio

WebRTC and WebAudio add speed and simplicity.

Do Secure Communications Face a Machiavellian Future?

Competitors can cooperate—or scheme for domination.

Singing the Praise of Speech Recognition

Applications are out there—if you know where to look.

Listen to the Voice of the Customer

Speech Technology Reports and Research

Unlock the Power of Free, Purpose-Built AI

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