

Answer Technology: A Necessary Step in Human-Computer Conversation

Digital assistants need to get better at answering user questions to keep the conversation going.

We Need Answers: Conversational Systems and Answer Technology

Digital assistants are getting better all the time, and answer technology needs to keep pace

Speech Is Up for Any Challenge

As consumers' interactions shifted to digital channels, voice has become the interface of choice for many of those interactions.

Let’s Take Action Before It’s Too Late

Has technology reached a point where it's nearly impossible to rein in, where legislation will never be able to catch up with the speed of advancing technology and innovation?

A Tangled Web of Intelligent Assistants

Getting them all to cooperate would tap their incredible potential

There’s Tech for the Tough Spots

Businesses are now realizing that websites, online content, and product information need to be crafted in new ways so voice-based search engines not only recognize them but position them at the top of search results.

As Voice Assistants Multiply, When Will We Get a Registry?

VARs can help tame the Wild West of voice assistants

Infusing AI and Speech into the Mobile Retail Customer Experience

AI-powered apps are employing speech as part of an all-important omnichannel approach

Breakthroughs in Speech Are Just Beginning

Our writers consulted with industry experts across the major sectors of the speech technology landscape to determine the state of the industry

Voice-First User Interfaces Speak to the Omnichannel Future

Screen- and voice-oriented devices are becoming one and the same

Will Speech Technology Keep Speech Free?

The technology is magical, but can be misused

Healthcare CX Is Increasingly Fraught, but Speech Tech Provides an Answer

AI-powered bots, armed with natural language understanding, are giving vital help to users navigating healthcare

Data Privacy Concerns Should Govern Speech Technology Industry

Security and privacy issues around voice assistants are sexy, but these concerns manifest themselves far more often in more mundane ways.